AN appeal date has been set for a controversial planning application of up to 110 homes on a greenfield site in Tavistock, after it was rejected by planners last October.

The appeal for Butcher Park, north-east of Redmoor Close, will be held on June 14.

Developers 3H Investments Ltd lodged the appeal in December but due to an administration error at the Planning Inspectorate, the appeal went unnoticed by many objectors for more than a month. For this reason the consultation period was extended.

Within their appellant statement, the developers have suggested that due to an already approved scheme for holiday lodges on the site the principle of development had been accepted.

They also said that the council did not have a five year supply of housing land, that the scheme was in a good location and would cause no harm to the landscape, ecology or road system and so permission should be granted.

However a spokesperson for the council said that there was a five year supply of land in place, the site was poorly located in an open countryside, it would have an adverse impact on the landscape and that the previous permission (granted on appeal) should not set a precedent.

Developers had initially been granted permission for 52 holiday homes on the Butcher Park site but when the application was re-submitted it consisted of 110 homes.

Local residents were concerned that the increased amount of vehicle movements per day would have a detrimental impact on the area.

The application also included a 40% level of affordable housing, development of an associated access, parking, open space, play space and associated infrastructure.