A barn converted into a permanent home in a village in the Tamar Valley has been turned down for retrospective planning permission by Cornwall Council.

The application concerns The Stables at Gooseford Farm in St Dominick near Saltash.

The structure in question had originally been granted planning permission in 1995 to be used as a hay barn.

It has since been altered for use as a home, sparking an objection from St Dominick Parish Council, which said: “St Dominick Parish Council objects to this development, as it creates a new dwelling in the open countryside, which is against planning policy.

“As the application is retrospective, we are unable to compare the previously existing structure with the built structure in place now, and comment on any elements, including any landscaping.”

An objection from two neighbouring residents stated that the site also contained a holiday let, which they described as ‘unsightly’.

An accompanying planning officers report noted that the shepherds hut referred to will be referred to planning enforcement for their attention, adding that: “The adopted policy documents clearly state that the conversion of portal framed agricultural buildings will rarely be acceptable.”

Refusing the application, Cornwall Council told the applicant: “The existing building to which this application relates is not considered to be appropriate to retain. The introduction of a residential use on the site combined with garden/amenity areas and associated domestic paraphernalia has not led to an enhancement of the immediate setting which is rural in character.

“In the absence of any special circumstances to justify it, the proposal represents an unsustainable and harmful form of residential development in the countryside and without any other material considerations which outweigh such harm, the proposal is contrary to policies of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030 (adopted November 2016), National Planning Policy Framework (2023) and policies of the Climate Emergency Development Plan Document.”