West Devon police offices have been out on Dartmoor urging drivers to slow down and dog walkers to keep dogs on leads around livestock.

The local officers have joined the Devon and Cornwall Police rural affairs team to raise awareness.

They reported that most of those they spoke to were already aware of the issues.

Most walkers already had their dogs on leads around sheep and ponies.

Most drivers were within the speed limit although some were reported for being “well in excess of the limit.”

A police spokesperson said they were highlighting farmers losing “large numbers of livestock”: to speeding vehicles and dog attacks on Dartmoor, adding “the numbers are far and away the highest in the two counties”.

“To drivers, please remember that whilst the limit over much of Dartmoor is 40mph in many circumstances the safe driving speed would be much reduced with heavy rain and fog being just two such circumstances,” added the spokesperson.

“For dog owners please ensure that your dog is kept under close control. Our preferred way is by having your dogs on a lead and certainly if livestock are present, you will have more peace of mind by ensuring your dog is restrained in some way.

“Most of those we spoke to were aware of the problems and already had their dogs on leads and whilst most drivers were within the speed limit , words of advice were given to some and others who were well in excess of the limit were reported for the offence.”