THE CHAIRMAN of Princetown Youth Club has thanked the businessmen who rallied to help secure its future.

The club was forced to close sessions and limit its activities, including cooking and other life skills because its boiler failed.

This was critical on one of the highest villages on Dartmoor during winter weather when heating was essential and water froze, bursting pipes.

However, after an appeal for funding, publicised in the Times, Gary Lynch of Chamings Plumbers, and Shaun MacDonald, of Navien boilers, supplied and fitted a new boiler free of charge.

Emma Byrom, club chairman, said: ‘The club is vital to support young people of the village. With buses infrequent and the isolated location, it provides a safe space for them to see friends and enjoy many activities. Without the boiler, this made opening the club difficult at times and still cold even with heaters borrowed from the school.’

The club is a charity and many grants received go towards paying for activities, food and fixed running costs so there is not enough to cover unforeseen maintainance costs.

Emma said: ‘We cannot thank Gary at Chamings enough for helping us. The children are incredibly grateful to have a warm building again for their evenings.’

In order to keep the youth club running and to ensure it is a thriving space for the young people there are more works that needing completing. Local groups have already offered support.

Emma added: ‘We would love to keep the ball rolling after Gary’s extremely generous act of kindness and are calling on the support of any local businesses and volunteers. If you could help in any way, if you have a trade and wouldn’t mind giving up a small amount of time then please get in contact!’ Call Emma on 07367 212332 if you can help.