A veteran anti-racism campaigner has condemned far right protesters who turned violent during a confrontation in Plymouth yesterday (Monday).

Police and a member of the public were injured amid public disorder in the city centre and six arrested when officers were deployed to enable an anti-racism protest to take place peacefully.

Andy Cairns, who took part in anti-racism demonstrations in the East Midlands years ago, joined a trade union-backed gathering of over 500 in Guildhall Square when he and fellow campaigners had objects thrown at them.

Andy said: “We were  in the square  to celebrate racial diversity: chanting anti-racist slogans, singing and dancing to prevent far right protesters from spreading their divisive message. We were there after the violent riots in other cities to show that we will not be intimidated by people spreading lies and racism.

“The police were there to keep us and those demonstrating against immigration and migrants apart in case there was trouble. Amongst that crowd there were people with legitimate grievances about poverty, homelessness and jobs, but who had been conned into blaming migrants rather than government inaction.They were being exploited by far right extremists intent on violent confrontation.  

Andy added: "Our aim was to give local people, in all their diversity, confidence that they could come out onto the streets freely. We were faced by far right protesters throwing beer cans and a smoke bomb at us as they tried to get over the pedestrian railings to us and tried to get past the police.  They got more violent later after I had left."

A Devon & Cornwall Police spokesman said: “Our approach to this operation was to enable peaceful protests, but people who were intent on committing public order or criminal offences, have and will be dealt with robustly. This is the style of policing that we have delivered and what our communities expect.

“Violence will not be tolerated, hate will not be tolerated, and we will continue to work with our partners to keep the people of Devon, Cornwall, and the Isles of Scilly safe and reduce anti-social behaviour.

We will continue to take positive action against individuals in breach of the law and have carried out arrests for a range of public order offences and assaults following today's events.”