PUPILS at Delaware Primary School learned how recycling their old toys can help others when they visited the Oxfam and other charity shops in Tavistock.

The pupils each took an old toy to donate to Oxfam and brought in some money to spend in the shop as part of their learning project 'Me and my World', looking at sustainability and the four Rs — recycle, reduce, reuse and repair.

Teacher Avis Jones said: 'The children brought in toys just before Christmas and we held a jumble sale to raise money to buy a tree for our outside area. The things we didn't sell we are giving to the charity shops. They all brought in £1 to buy something, so the things they donated can help the charity and by buying something they are helping.'

The children cleaned the toys they brought in, priced them and displayed them on the shelves in the shop.

Jackie Theobald, Oxfam shop manager, said: 'They are learning about recycling and reusing and we've told them all about how Oxfam helps to provide people in other countries with nice clean water.'

Pupil Hayden James said: 'We learned to give things we don't need anymore and they go to someone else.'