For the second week in a row, Okehampton Rambling Club enjoyed perfect walking weather for their ramble: sunny, with a pleasant sea breeze and once again, the route was a coastal walk, to which the conditions were ideally suited.

This time, last Sunday, June 16, the walk started from the north coast, near Bude, just over the Cornish border. Fourteen walkers made their way to Sandymouth Bay to join this seven-mile route. The walk began with a short climb up Stowe Cliffs to the north, then gradually turning east inland.

Two paragliders were enjoying the thermals on this sunny morning, and the satellite dishes of GCHQ Bude were visible, inscrutable, to the north. Eventually the group turned south, past fields of oat and wheat, gradually approaching the coast once more, to join the South West Coast Path (SWCP) at Northcott Mouth.  

Frequent ascents and re-ascents are in the nature of the SWCP and so it was here, but the walk over Maer Down was not too arduous. Some swallows were seen on the way, and skylarks heard (whilst walking past the open fields to the north); there is a small nature reserve east of Maer Down, but its inhabitants did not pay a visit.  

Approaching Bude, and heading for Crooklets beach and lunch, the walk route passed End House, identified by a blue plaque as the home of the Armed Forces Radio Station in the Second World War, broadcasting to US personnel abroad, as the rangers did some of their training in preparation for D-Day on Maer Cliff nearby (their tasks in Normandy included climbing the cliffs of the Point du Hoc).  

After lunch, the group returned via the SWCP across Maer Down, Bucket Hill, and Menachurch Point to Sandymouth Bay.

There are a number of Bronze Age barrows near this route, but some have been reduced by ploughing, or are in the process of falling victim to erosion and falling into the sea.

One possible example, however, is just off the path near Menachurch Point; there is a depression near the middle, such as might be caused by antiquarians having ‘opened’ the barrow (if that is what it is).  

Having returned to Sandymouth Bay, the group refuelled, for the most part with ice cream.

New walkers are welcome at Okehampton Rambling Club. Meet at Okehampton Post Office on Sundays, ready to leave promptly at 9.30am. Please be suitably dressed for all weather conditions, including sturdy footwear, and bring drinks and a packed lunch. 

Car drivers are encouraged to offer lifts to non-drivers.

If you would like to meet the group at the start of a walk instead, please contact the walk leader in advance. If you would like to bring your dog, please contact the walk leader to check that the route is suitable, and please keep your dog on a short fixed lead between March 1 and July 31. Next Sunday’s walk will be at Fernworthy Reservoir.