HOLIDAY fun came courtesy of Yelverton Rotary Club when it hosted a Sports and Crafts Play Day on Harrowbeer Airfield last Wednesday, August 7.

The club joined forces with lots of local clubs and organisations to provide a great free day of fun and activities for primary school age children

West Devon Scouts provided a challenging and popular assault course, while other sports were offered by Okehampton Community Recreation Society (OCRA), Tavyside Badminton, Dartmoor Velo, Buckland Monachorum Cricket Club and Tavistock Rugby Football Club. They all proved hugely popular with children queuing to have a go.

When legs became tired, children gave creative activities a go on the arts and crafts activity stalls with SW Wildlife Trust, Stannary Brass Band, Park Life, RSPB, the Dartmoor National Park Authority, Yelverton Fire Brigade, Libraries Unlimited, Dartmoor Bakery, South West Blood Bikes and more.

Yelverton Rotary Club president Paul Williams said: “It has been a fabulous day with so many children and their parents, carers and friends enjoying themselves with such a wide range of activities provided by all our participating organisations. My thanks go particularly to our Rotary Club Communities chairperson Rotarian Pam Law who has worked tirelessly over several months bringing the event to fruition, and to our sponsor RM Builders & Contractors Ltd of Tavistock and everyone who contributed to making the day an enormous success.”


trying out climbing
Trying out climbing (Submitted)
Colour mixing
Colour mixing (Submitted)
A game of badminton
Badminton was popular (Submitted)
Dartmoor Velo provided a mountain biking taster
Dartmoor Velo provided a mountain biking taster (Submitted)
The Stannary Brass Band show how they do it
The Stannary Brass Band show how they do it (Submitted)
Lego builders
Lego builders (Submitted)