CHILDREN at Lifton Primary School have been learning all about the world of work and business during a special 'enterprise week' held at the school.

As well as running their own enterprises, designing and making products that they could sell, they welcomed a wide variety of visitors.

Circus Berzercus started the week and taught them some of the skills needed to work in a circus.

The next day focussed on the work of law enforcement officers. Three police officers came to the school, including a dog handler with two of his wonderfully trained animals, and there was great excitement as the children explored the police vehicles and set off the sirens and the flashing lights.

In the afternoon, two prison officers told them all about the history of Dartmoor Prison and what their jobs entailed.

The following day, the infants went to Tesco in Launceston to find out about all the jobs involved in getting the food to the shelves, while the juniors devised and presented an incredibly lively and successful fashion show to a very appreciative audience.

A spokesperson for the school said: 'They did everything from designing scenery and selling tickets to setting up the catwalk and the seating, and from welcoming their audience as they arrived to modelling the clothes with real panache as announcers described their outfits.'

The next focus was Japan, renowned as one of the most enterprising countries in the world, and the children took the opportunity to dress up in their own colourful interpretations of Japanese clothing.

Two teachers from Tavistock College's Japanese department, Crispin Chambers and Ayako Ono, talked to them about Japan's culture and language and taught them a song in Japanese.

The end of the week was the culmination of the children's own enterprise projects, with a special enterprise fair in the afternoon where they offered their wares for sale.

Mrs Holmes, the headteacher, said: 'It was wonderful to see how much pleasure the children got from their visitors and activities.

'Enterprise Week has been a great success and has really taught the children a lot about work and business, as well as being hugely enjoyable for everyone involved.'