Devon’s continuing drive to improve its services for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is getting a new champion this September after county council leader John Hart announced he will be promoting Okehampton Rural councillor Lois Samuel to the Cabinet with the lead responsibility of improving SEND services.

It means Exeter councillor Andrew Leadbetter will retain his Cabinet responsibility for education, schools and social care but the massive Children’s Services brief will now be shared politically between him and Lois Samuel. The latest report on Devon’s Children’s Services by the watchdog, Ofsted, said there had been real improvements in the service but there was still more work to be done.

Cllr John Hart said: “As we continue the drive to improve our children’s services across the board, I have decided it’s important to shine a laser focus on our work with some of our most vulnerable children who have real physical, mental and emotional difficulties. We’ve recently appointed a new Director of Children’s Services, Stuart Collins, a deputy Director of Children’s Services Social Work, Becky Hopkins, and we’ve seconded Kellie Knott from the Department of Education to lead on SEND. It’s now the right time to split Children’s Services so that Andrew will look after schools, education and social care and I have asked Lois Samuel to join the Cabinet and work with Andrew by taking responsibility for SEND. Lois already has a good understanding of what we are trying to do from her membership of our Children’s Scrutiny committee.”

Lois Samuel was elected to the County Council in May 2021 and has been a member of the Children’s Scrutiny Committee and vice-chair of the Standards Committee. She is a member of the Local Government Association’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board and the Board’s Champion on Domestic Abuse. Outside of politics, her previous experience has included running a charity with her husband Ben, at their dairy and poultry farm which has provided supported accommodation, helping vulnerable adults suffering from life controlling issues such as drugs and alcohol. Councillor Samuel was a West Devon Borough councillor, having been first elected in 2015.

Speaking about her Cabinet appointment, Lois said: “l am delighted to have been asked to take on this important role and to help strengthen and build on the improvements that have already been made in our services for children with special educational needs and disabilities. For over 20 years I have been managing a charity based on our family farm that has helped many vulnerable adults and their families and I will bring this experience into the new job. I am also looking forward to meeting the children we serve and their families and hearing directly from them how we can get better.”

Andrew Leadbetter said: “I welcome the appointment of Lois Samuel to strengthen our team and I look forward to working with her. SEND is a massive challenge but one that we are determined to work together to get right. The appointment is subject to ratification by the council in September.