SHARON Daw from Sevenstones ran in the Dartmoor Discovery Ultra Marathon on Saturday and was the third lady over the line and 29th overall in a field of 160. In the 32 mile challenge the East Cornwall Harriers runner came in with a time of 4hours 39minutes. Sharon told the Times: ?The run went well and I knocked six minutes off my previous time in 2005 where I was the second lady and the first newcomer that year to the Ultra marathon. ?I was hoping for 4hrs 30mins but training for the half Ironman on June 17 meant my legs felt heavy from cycle training, which is not really ideal training for Ultra marathon running - or perhaps it was the four marathons in less than 12 weeks!? The weather was kind to the runners, yet foggy in places so the competitors could not enjoy the extensive views. The winner of the race was Royal Navy runner Brian Cole in 3hrs 44mins 58 secs. Andrew Drake-Norris of the Tamar Trotters came in 22nd in a time of 4.32.40. Other Tamar Trotter runners were Peter Waumsley who was 35th, in 4.44.58; Jane Bremner was 53rd in 4.57.21; Colin Bunting was 59, 5.02.49; Dave Nance was 83 in 5.21.26; Zoe Drake-Norris was 91 in 5.26.10; Stephen Pearson was 104th in 5.37.21; male veteran Mick Carroll was 143rd in 6.05.33.