TALENTED amateur photographers are delighted with the success of their public show in Tavistock’s Butcher’s Hall.

Tavistock Photogtaphy Club chairman Keith Urro, a former headteacher, said: “We’ve had far more visitors to see prints than we expected, probably at least 40 people at anyone time, which is several hundred over the day. Our club has thrived since the pandemic when many others folded, that’s because we’ve kept up with techology and what people want. I’ve talked to many younger visitors as possible and they’ve got hundreds of photos on their phones. I’d like to encourage any new younger members to download from their phones, so we can have an insight into how their creative eye works and it will help the club cater for their needs and remain relevant and up to date and keep up interest and membership. For instance, we were innovative using Zoom during covid.”

The 300 prints on display covered a wide variety of subjects, ranging from West Devon landmarks, wildlife, and Keith’s portraits from Africa. Potential members can attend a taster session at the club before joining. Keith said: “We are after encouraging as many people of varying experience to join and support them to explore what they like to cover. We have members who are novices and we’re keen to share our knowledge with them and even learn from them.”

More details on Tavistock Photography Club here: https://tavistockphotographyclub.com/