As freezing conditions hit Devon and Cornwall, South West Water is reminding householders of things they can do to protect their homes against the risk of leaks.
A sudden drop in temperature can cause pipes to split, often resulting in leaks and bursts causing flooding and damage. Martin Pipe, customer leakage regional manager, said: “Every winter, we see a high number of bursts both on our network and on our customers’ private pipes due to freezing conditions.
“When this happens, our teams work hard around the clock to keep the taps flowing for our customers.
“Alongside these efforts, there are lots of things our customers can do to prepare their homes for cold weather and prevent leaks and bursts which can cause significant damage to their properties.”
To protect homes from freezing weather, South West Water recommends using lagging to wrap pipes and water tanks, especially in unheated areas such as lofts, garages or gardens. Ensure you know the location of your inside stop tap so you can turn it off in case of a leak. Details of how to check meter readings for a leak can be found on the South West Water website at
Leave heating on low if you go away and check the central heating has been serviced. Bleed radiators to improve efficiency and to reduce the risk of radiator pipes freezing.
In the case of pipes freezing, if you don’t have water check with neighbours that they do to confirm yours is frozen. Check pipes for signs of a split; a leak or burst will not occur until the water has thawed. Make sure to turn off the supply on the internal stop tap.
Leave the central heating and other water heating appliances on. If they are currently turned off, do not switch them on to try and thaw frozen pipes. Drain the cold water system by flushing the toilet and opening cold taps over sinks and baths.
If you don't find any damage, turn on all the taps and thaw the frozen pipe using a warm towel or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.
When the pipes have thawed and you are sure no damage or leak has occurred, turn off the taps and slowly switch the supply back on using the internal stop tap. Recheck the pipes under pressure for signs of damage or a leak before switching on water heating appliances.
If you discover a leak or burst pipe, call a reputable plumber immediately. A list of approved contractors can be found on the WaterSafe website or by calling 0333 207 9030.