GREEN-fingered members of Chagford Primary School?s gardening club welcomed two very special guests from Uganda last week.

The after-school gardening club was helped out last Wednesday afternoon by Ugandan gardeners Robert and Patrick, who have been in Devon for the last five months.

Chagford Primary School has well-established links with Kirume School in Mubende, Uganda and the visit was made through the Kulika Charitable Trust and the Food for Thought group.

The two Ugandan men have been working at Riverford Organic Foods during the last five months, and return to Uganda this week to put some of what they have learned into practice in their homeland.

Teacher Mrs Stephanie Whitcher has been running the school?s gardening club for around seven or eight years to show children how to grow food and plants.

In Uganda, schoolchildren learn about the best ways of achieving sustainable agricultural as part of their education. Pupils in Uganda and in Devon are also taught about each other?s different ways of life.