Stoke Climsland Parish Council has approved material amendments to the construction of three poultry houses in the Tamar Valley village despite objections by the local community.

Around 20 members of the public assembled at the full council meeting on Wednesday, February 19 to challenge the application but were told by the chair of the council Cllr Sarah Ross that the discussions would only address the material amendment and could not overturn previous approvals for the construction of the units on the site.

Objections against the amendments suggested planning permission granted in 2014 was no longer valid as the works has not been started in accordance with conditions stipulated in the planning permission granted by the Planning Inspectorate.

The application had previously been turned down by Cornwall Council and permission was granted on appeal.

Parish councillors visited the site at land east of Crossways Bungalow in Stoke Climsland ahead of the parish council meeting and were also given access to the long-established chicken farm run by applicant Jamie Hatch, at Kelly Bray.

According to the parish clerk, the councillors were satisfied that work had commenced on the Stoke Climsland site and were impressed with facilities at KB Products.

The new plans submitted in January 2025 asked for “minor design amendments”, including a larger machinery and office store, a change in the finished external materials to the gable ends of each poultry house, and the erection of security fencing for biosecurity purposes.

The application added: “The amendments sought do not alter the principle of the scheme, or the amount of development on-site for which planning permission has been granted”.

Councillors were satisfied with the material amendments and recommended to Cornwall Council to approve the application, but did ask that that the root systems of mature trees in the area were protected during installation of the planned security fencing, to ensure the trees remain structurally sound.