THE Showfield was the venue for the annual get-together of the hamlets of Chilsworthy, Cox Park and Latchley on Saturday and once again, visitors were treated to a colourful display of exhibits ranging from art and photography to crafts and cookery in the main marquee. Some 800 exhibits were on display and the quality in most classes was excellent; the fruit, vegetables and flowers benefiting by the recent spell of fine weather. David Bouch, head gardener of Cotehele House, presented the winning entrants with their awards and the committee expressed thanks to David for giving freely of his time to attend. Westcountry Falconry entertained visitors with various birds of prey and some of the children in the crowd were amused to be involved in their display. Emma's Donkeys were on-hand to offer donkey rides and other popular attractions included archery, shooting and Punch and Judy. Callington Town Band played in extremely hot conditions. The vintage vehicle section saw the accolade of 'Best Turned-out Vintage Vehicle and Driver' go to Phil Ashton on his BSA Bantam. Many of the vintage vehicles took a 'turn' around the ring, giving everyone an opportunity to admire their machines in motion. The dog show saw Denise Southcott from Callington awarded 'Best in Show' for her whippet and the pony show finale saw an excellent display of ponies and riders in fancy dress. Thanks were also expressed to the many volunteers, who gave their time and special appreciation to Dimson Nursery for organising the races, the ladies of Albaston and Tamar Valley WI for their cream teas and to Callington Lions for the refreshments and bar. l Some of the prizewinners are pictured.

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