My name is Simba and I am the school dog at Princetown Primary School on Dartmoor!
I have had a quiet couple of weeks in my role of school dog. Firstly, the children left me to go on a residential trip to Bristol and the following week was half term. I was most upset as, like children, I love my routine and I was eager to be back at school this week.
The children at Princetown Primary School are so kind and considerate. The way they look after each other and me is second to none.
This year, I have heard a lot about climate change and the children have been doing all sorts around school to do their bit for environment. Often, whilst I am roaming around school, I will stumble across an area that is unused and find the children have turned the lights off to save electricity. Great for the environment — but not so great for me when I am struggling to see where my ball went!

On Friday, the children carried out a litter pick as they were shocked to see how much litter there was on my lunchtime walk. They went out armed with bin bags, gloves and litter pickers and filled two bin bags of waste and recycling. The children were adamant that they wanted to do it again — and soon! Their reasons for this were clear. ‘We don’t want this plastic to get washed out to sea and harm the sea life.’ was one comment but it was the next one that warmed my paws… ‘Miss, what if Simba had been out walking and had stood on the glass? We have helped keep him safe!’
It is great to see that the children are passionate about looking after me, each other and the environment.