THE borough council has voted to close the toilets at Tavistock Bus Station as part of efforts to save more than £250,000 from its budget over the next three years.

The controversial decision was taken at the full council meeting on Tuesday afternoon after councillors heard that residents viewed these as the ‘least worst’ option for closure of the three public toilets in the town according to an online survey. The Guildhall Car Park and Bedford Car Park toilets will remain open, with Tavistock Town Council taking over the running of them.

The bus station toilets will close on April 1. Councillors voted 25 for to one against to back the plan, with the caveat that a disabled toilet cubicle still be provided at the request of Cllr Graham Parker, who opposed the plan.

Council officers also agreed to arrange for a sign at the bus station to direct people to the nearest toilets.

A Tavistock Town Council spokesman said afterwards: ‘Tavistock Town Council has expressed its disappointment and concern at West Devon Borough Council’s intention to close public toilets which the town council considers represent an essential public service, a view which was also reflected in the outcome of a residents’ survey.

‘Because of the importance attached by the town council to safeguarding continuing provision, both for the local community and visitors, it has decided to try and agree arrangements with the borough council for transfer of responsibility for the operation, and costs, of delivering both the the Guildhall and Bedford Car Park toilets from WDBC to Tavistock Town Council with effect from April 2020.’