THE Tavistock Country Bus (TCB) volunteers were out in force in Bedford Square last Thursday showing off their new-look bus and their bright red polo shirts. 

New timetables for weekday and Saturday services together with bus route maps were handed out to the public – along with some lovely Tavistock Country Bus cupcakes specially made for the occasion by Dot-Teas. 

Over the last year the Tavistock Country Bus team has continued to work hard to ensure the service’s viability by promoting its services and encour-aging passengers to come on-board – the Tavistock Times has helped by printing articles, the TCB website has been updated, advertising has proved very successful, passenger research has been undertaken and grants have been applied for.

‘The TCB is run entirely by volunteers — we have a fabulous team who are very generous with their time and we couldn’t achieve the things we do without them,’ said TCB chairman, Derek de Glanville. ‘We have seen passenger numbers increase over the last year which is very encouraging and this certainly helps to ensure that our services remain viable.’ 

‘The TCB has been making major improve- ments to the bus itself and this could not have been achieved without significant financial support from our Devon County councillors as well as Devon County Council, The Big Lottery, West Devon BC and Mark Bailey, from Transport for your Community. Their support has enabled us to fit the bus with new seatbelts and new seats – making journeys safer and more comfortable for passengers as they travel around the narrow, windy roads of Devon and Cornwall. All this in a new-look bus where the outside has been updated to include destinations, will  help promote the Tavistock Country Bus Service.’  

TCB carried out passenger research into which destination people would like as an additional Saturday service and Barnstaple was the overwhelming favourite — so a new route to Barnstaple, on every third Saturday of the month, has been introduced this year and runs from April to September.

The monthly Saturday routes to Exeter, Truro, Torquay and Dawlish continue to run and are more popular than ever since the number of seats passengers can book has been increased to 8.

Passengers can now book a seat up to one month in advance of travel – making summer planning that much easier.

Earlier this year, the National Centre for Social Research chose the Tavistock Country Bus to be part of a nation-wide case study into the effectiveness of community transport.

The TCB was specifically chosen because it is a successful and active organisation, and works hard to provide a beneficial service to its community.

Some of the regular passengers from Tavistock were invited to be interviewed as part of the study and their responses were incredibly positive. 

Further details can be found on the TCB website – www.tavistockcountry — Seats for Saturday and Wednesday services can be booked, up to one month in advance, on 07580 260683.