A Tavistock man has pleaded guilty to being in charge of a vehicle above the legal alcohol limit and resultantly charged over £500 in fines and costs. 

Michael Anthony Sanders, of Whitchurch Road, Tavistock appeared at Plymouth Magistrates' Court yesterday (Wednesday, August 16) once again where he pleaded guilty to being in charge of a vehicle at the Yelverton Aerodrome on July 6 this year when the proportion of alcohol in 100 millilitres of his breath was 59 microgrammes. He had previously entered an initial not guilty plea when appearing in court for the offence last Wednesday (August 9).

Taking this guilty plea into account, the serving magistrate ordered Mr Sanders to pay £515: a £307 fine, a £123 surcharge to fund victim services and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service. Arrangement has been made for this to be paid with a sum of £100 a month commencing from September 6. Ten points have also been added to his driving licence.