Many admiring visitors came to see the best pictures produced by keen Tavistock photographers at their annual show.
Hundreds of images captivated visitors to the exhibition by Tavistock Photography Club at Butchers’ Hall in the town’s pannier market yesterday (Thursday, August 29).
The photos ranged from elusive wildlife in flight or on the run and familiar West Devon landscapes to portraits and more intimate family studies.
Keith Urro, club chairman, said: “We’re very pleased with the reception we’ve had for our exhibition. There’s a wide range of subject matter which is important to keeping people’s attention as they walk around.”
He said anyone was welcome to join the club, from complete beginners to experienced: “We’re successful because we are very welcoming to people of all photography backgrounds and ages. Mobile phone photography is becoming more important to us and make up some of our exhibition. This shows you don’t have to have expensive equipment to join and produce memorable images. Members are always learning from each other and we have a wide choice of speakers, photo shoots and workshops to appeal to everyone.”
A notable guest speaker will be actor and landscape photographer Bill Ward on February 26.
The club meets fortnightly on Wednesdays. The new season starts on Wednesday, September 4, at Tavistock United Reformed Church from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. The evening will feature members ‘ judging colleagues’ two mounted prints taken in the past year. New members can contact the club through its website: