The children, teachers and parents of a Tavistock school are celebrating the result of their latest Ofsted inspection.

Tavistock Primary and Nursery School has been recognised as officially ‘good’ in its recent Ofsted inspection report. The ‘good’ grading has been retained following a two-day inspection in July, the first since it was rated good in 2019.

Teachers and other staff of Tavistock Primary and Nursery School were praised for “taking time to build positive relationships with pupils to help them be successful”.

Inspectors highlighted the provision of “opportunities to support pupils’ wider development”. The report also praises the school’s values of “resilience, self belief, responsibility, understanding self, cooperation and risk-taking’” as being central to its vision.

The report also notes the ongoing work going into curriculum development, the strengths in the reading curriculum and how pupils learn about wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world to support their understanding beyond the academic curriculum.

The children told the inspector that they “appreciate their leadership roles” given to children by fellow pupils who are house captains. Pictured are the eight newly-appointed house captains for the new school year.

Headteacher Laura Handel said: “The house captains are an annual role, open to Year 6 pupils, in which the selection process involves children giving an address to their Year 5 and 6 peers and the leadership team, on the qualities that would fit them for the role.”

Ofsted inspects schools with a ‘good’ rating every four years to check whether they should retain their status.