Parents have been assured that a plan for an extra primary school in Tavistock has not been abandoned.

Concern has been raised that the plan, formalised in Section 106 planning agreements for new homes, is not going to be honoured by the local education authority.

More than 1,000 homes are due to be built in the town to keep up with demand and the builders are granted permission to build them by the planning authority on condition they contribute funds towards improving local services — including the provision of a primary school to meet any increase in the young population.

The issued has been raised by some councillors and campaigners who are worried the most recently approved housing scheme does not include the developer providing funds for a primary school.

However, the Devon County Council (the education authority) said there is currently not enough forecast increase in children for a primary school to be built. However, the plan does still exist, as does a potential site and the funding from developers to pay for it, should the need arise.

A county council spokesman said: '“People needn't be concerned. We continually monitor housing delivery on all the Tavistock development sites, alongside births and migration into the town.  Currently there is a falling demographic in the town and medium term projections are below the town's schools’ capacity.

“But planning ahead, the need for new primary school provision remains part of our Education Infrastructure Plan. We've got a site for a new primary school, and Section 106 contributions towards education infrastructure from developers, both secured and to be triggered.  Right now, the delivery of new housing has been moderate and hasn't triggered the release of all Section 106 funding, or transfer of the land for a new primary school to us.”