The outgoing mayor of West Devon has presented her green award to pupils at Tavistock Primary School for work raising awareness of Dartmoor’s endangered ponies.

Last year, the school’s Year 3 and 4 children took part in a guided walk to Bellever Woods to learn more about Dartmoor’s ponies, creating a report on these special animals to Cllr Lynn Daniel.

On 20 May, in one of her final engagements as Mayor of West Devon for 2023/24, Cllr Daniel returned to the school to present the pupils with their award.

Laura Handel, headteacher at Tavistock Primary and Nursery School, said the children were ‘delighted’ when Cllr Daniel stopped off to present the award to the school. It is very motivating and encouraging for the children to be recognised in this way and will spur them on to continue their work for the Dartmoor ponies.”

Cllr Lynn Daniel said: “I was delighted to present Tavistock Primary School with my final award as Mayor of West Devon. I am extremely impressed with the quality of their work and their passion for the welfare of the ponies.

“This award is wonderful example of how schools can use the curriculum to help support the climate and natural environment, one of our top priorities at the council. “We have seen so many fantastic examples over the past year of young people doing great things for the planet and the local environment, whether that project is through school, youth groups or by volunteering. Well done to all and keep up the fantastic work!”