Youngsters from Mount Kelly College have been learning the important skill of baking while helping those less well-off than themselves.

As part of their learning life skills curriculum, Years 3 to 6 took part in mass apple crumble making. The ‘Beyond Education – Being Human Initiative’, delivered by Mount Kelly’s caterers Thomas Franks, provides children and young adults with essential cooking and food-based life skills.

A spokesman said: “Throughout this this year, and as part of our sustainability manifesto with Thomas Franks, we are delighted to provide six sessions for each year group at the Prep to learn about food, cooking, production, charity and sustainability. 

“The first of these sessions took place over two days last week, with pupils in Years 3 to 6 participating in apple and raspberry crumble-making classes to send to the City Harvest food charity.

“The children were involved in every stage of the process – from preparing the apples to packaging the finished crumbles – whilst learning about food poverty along the way. An impressive 400 double portions of crumble were produced by pupils and will soon be on the way to those in need.”

Also, Year 7 pupils took part in sustainable cookery sessions, using surplus cauliflower to create pakora, and practising their cutting skills to make vegetable sushi.

All food at Mount Kelly is homemade on site by Thomas Franks, with 80 per cent of ingredients sourced from within 30 miles of the school, providing pupils with a seasonal menu of nutritious and flavoursome meals.

Mount Kelly College apple crumble-making for charity.
Mount Kelly College pupils preparing crumbles to give to charity (Mount Kelly College)
Kind-hearted young cooks from Mount Kelly College making apple crumbles for charity
The cookery sessions (Mount Kelly College)
Young cooks from Mount Kelly College learning and providing food for those less well-off than themselves.
The crumbles prepared by the young cooks will be distributed to those who would welcome them via a charity (Mount Kelly College)