ADVICE to help make everyday life easier, healthier and safer is being offered at Tavistock Community Wellbeing Fair in the town’s pannier market Butchers’ Hall next week, on Friday, October 4 from 10am to 2pm.
The event will feature stands manned by local services with community information on health, safety, policing, mental health, volunteering opportunities, cost of living advice, and groups to join or volunteer for – to enhance wellbeing and reduce social isolation.
The fair is organised by West Devon Council for Voluntary Service (CVS).
A CVS spokesman said: “We warmly welcome anyone and everyone to join us at this year’s Tavistock Community Wellbeiing. We will be bringing together local voluntary and community services in an information event and to raise awareness of help and support available. Mini-entertainments will be on offer and free refreshments.”
The organisations present will be: West Devon Borough Council; RNID and Tinnitus UK; Livewell South West; Age UK; Home Instead; Citizens Advice; West Devon Family Hub (Action for Children); Kooth (Digital Advice for Young People); Shared Lives South West; NAS West Devon Autistic Women's Group; Transition Tavistock; StopforLife (Stop Smoking Service); Printworks; Memory Cafe; Devon Carers; The Filo Project; Tamar Energy Community; Tavistock Dementia Alliance; Wren Music; Parental Minds; Active Devon; Brentor & Moor Compassionate Neighbours; National Energy Action; Citizens in Policing; Tavy District u3a; Dartmoor Search & Rescue; Tavistock Local History Society; Tavistock Library; Tavistock Care Cafe; TASS; Menopause Cafe; Tavistock Lions; Mustard Tree Macmillan; Make a Difference; Tidy Tavi; Devon Mind.
A printed In Touch Tavi directory of numerous sources of help and advice will be available at the fair.