I WAS flabbergasted to read of Devon Highways' decision to refuse the German twinning visitors permission to park their cars on the granite desert. The logic for their decision was apparently based on a Health and Safety issue. For once my sympathies go out to Tavistock Town Council.

It really is beyond belief that Devon Highways can reach this decision. Do they assume that our German visitors will treat Bedford Square as a miniature Nurburgring? Hardly a credible scenario.

In the unlikely event that there were a real Health and Safety issue then Devon Highways should not allow any vehicle whatsoever to park on the Square. Frankly, that would be a ludicrous decision.

But here's a thought! If Devon Highways truly see this as a Health and Safety issue should they not either stop all parking in the Guildhall Car Park or ban pedestrians from accessing it?

Come on, Highways, get real.

Jeffrey Stackhouse

Goldfinch Gardens
