STOKE Climsland Primary School provides a good standard of education with the care and support for pupils outstanding, Ofsted inspectors have concluded.

In all aspects of the report, the school, which has 156 pupils, achieved good grades but rated particularly highly in children's behaviour, their attitude to learning and the extent to which they contributed to the school and wider community.

The headteacher Vicki Rigby and senior leaders were described as a 'formidable team committed to improving outcomes for all pupils' and teachers and teaching assistants worked very well together.

Attainment was currently average but improving in English, mathematics and science in the older year groups. A marked improvement in the 2009 results reflected the impact of the implementation of the new curriculum, said inspectors and the quality of teaching was good.

The report continued to say that all groups of pupils achieved well. They enjoyed lessons, were keen to learn and confidently shared their thinking with each other and adults.

Pupils were proud to attend the school, they were polite, positive and friendly and behaved well.

Areas for improvement were a more consistent approach to marking so pupils had a clearer idea of the next steps they needed to take to improve their understanding and skill, developing more opportunities for pupils to assess their own work and building on the recently established link with a school in Birmingham.