TEACHERS FROM Tor View School near Tavistock have raised £3,920 for Cancer Research UK by taking part in the Race for Life.

Tracy Lees, a member of staff at the school, said: “At the beginning of the year, I decided I wanted to challenge myself and get fit. I saw an advertisement for the Race for Life and felt like it would be an achievable challenge.

“We are a close team at Tor View School, and we like getting involved in community activities and spending time together, so I invited the team to join me.”

In total, 21 members of staff at the school signed up, including teaching assistants, teachers, the deputy head and even the headteacher.

“Cancer directly affects one in two people. Cancer Research is a charity close to all our hearts and we wanted to show support to our friends and family that had been affected by this horrible disease,” Tracy continued.

The teachers toughed out 5km.

“We were of mixed ability, so we decided to do the 5k challenge at our own pace. Some of us ran, some of us walked, and some of us did a bit of both,” added Tracy.

“It was really good fun, and the atmosphere on the day was amazing.”

Tor View School is an independent, specialist school for children and young people with specialist needs near Tavistock.

The link for donations is still open here for anyone who would like to donate – https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/tracys-race-for-life-9956