A residents’ vision of the future of Tavistock is due to go to an historic citizens’ vote if accepted by councillors.
For the first time in the town’s long history it is due to adopt a truly local plan which outlines residents’ views on their priorities for where they live.
The Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan, owned by Tavistock Town Council, has been through an exhaustive consultation process, asking locals what really matters to them and what they say needs protecting or changing.
The plan will have real influence with planners and planning inspectors because they will have to take it into account when making big decisions on transport, housing, education, recreation, retail and health. The local plan will have the same statutory power the wider West Devon development plan has now and enable it to access extra funds to support community infrastructure projects and other services.
So far, West Devon Borough and town councillors and latterly a national independent examiner have reviewed the draft plan. This Tuesday (February 4) town councillors are expected to recommend it is accepted by West Devon and progress to a referendum.
The independent examiner said Tavistock plan is officially ‘robust and meets the conditions to be adopted’.
Town councillor Cllr Ursula Mann, who is leading the plan with a steering group, said: “The final version of the plan reflects the voice of the community, encouraging affordable community-led housing, protecting green spaces, safeguarding community facilities, providing guidance for new development, and supporting projects like the proposed Tavistock railway, new skatepark and abbey remains. We need residents to get the word out and make sure to vote for the plan when the referendum is presented to the town.
“This will strengthen our ability to retain Tavistock’s character and is even more important in the face of so much change in national planning policy and local government structures.”
The plan will allow Tavistock to safeguard community assets like Tavistock Hospital and recreation facilities such as the tennis club so that they must be retained or replaced.
It will also provide design guidance on any new developments that are built in the future, including environment and flooding protection. Consultation showed people valued landscape views to the moor – so these will also be protected under the new plan. Similarly, the plan seeks to protect 44 local green spaces from inappropriate development after concerns were voiced.
Adopting the plan is the only way Tavistock Town Council can draw on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding from future developments when CIL is introduced in addition to existing Section 106 funding (which is funding from a developer that goes directly to planning authorities such as West Devon).
The CIL is a charge which does not currently apply in West Devon and can be levied by planning authorities such as West Devon on new development in their area and a proportion must be paid to the town council, rather than be retained by the borough council.
This will help the town have more of an influence in delivering the infrastructure, such as sports facilities, flood protections, help or the town centre and market and other services to support new residents.
Most new development which creates net additional floor space of 100 square metres or more, or creates a new dwelling, is potentially liable for the levy.
To be finally adopted the plan needs 50 per cent of the people actually voting in the referendum (not 50 per cent of the electorate) to agree. The referendum is likely be in May.