STAFF and pupils at a West Devon primary school are celebrating after receiving an 'outstanding' grading following a recent Ofsted inspection.
Gulworthy Primary School was graded 'Outstanding' in every area.
The inspection declared Gulworthy to be a highly effective school which provided exceptionally well for all its pupils' needs.
The inspector praised the children for 'exemplary' behaviour. He also observed 'a joyful sharing of ideas which typifies lessons across the school'.
The school has sustained high standards and SATs results are consistently impressive.
Many lessons were observed during the inspection.
The report stated that 'teaching is outstanding because learning activities are matched very closely to pupils' interests, needs and abilities'.
The inspector praised 'exemplary subject knowledge' of teachers and teaching assistants and stated that 'all pupils greatly enjoy school and achieve exceedingly well'.
Gulworthy offers Forest School activities alongside cross curricular learning opportunities. Standards are high in every subject, across the whole school.
The inspector was impressed by the school's cultural links with schools in Uganda and Kenya and said: 'Pupils' personal development, especially their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, is promoted just as strongly as literacy and numeracy skills.'
Leadership was also praised. The inspector noted Gulworthy to be a 'very effective team'.
He was impressed with the way monitoring aided school improvement and added: 'The executive head teacher provides inspirational leadership.'
Executive head teacher Melody Nicholls said: 'We are absolutely delighted with this report.
'The standards and qualities the inspector found in the school and in our pupils does everyone enormous credit.
'We greatly value the support of our pupils, parents, governors and local community. Together we will strive to continue to provide an outstanding education for all pupils of Gulworthy Primary School.'