A FATHER is concerned about the welfare of his vulnerable daughter who is suffering extreme stress because of alleged delays to repairs to her bedroom.

John Carpenter, of Horrabridge, complained to his landlord Live West five weeks ago when his daughter’s ceiling developed a water leak, but only a temporary repair was made with plastic sheeting, he faces weeks’ more delays before a permanent repair.

To make matter worse, asbestos was discovered within the Artexed ceiling, by a contractor sent by LiveWest to assess the damage. John was therefore advised that no one should enter the room, let alone sleep in it, so Jasmine sleeps in the dining area.

The father of two others, a disabled son aged 20, and a student daughter, 18, has been told LiveWest cannot mend the hole in the roof causing leak or remove the asbestos until some time in January.

John said his daughter Jasmine, aged 13, already suffers from ADHD and autism and the stress of being forced out of her room has led to violent episodes.

He said: ‘It’s not good enough that they can’t come for weeks. It’s neglecting their duty of care and is affecting the whole family, but I’m most worried about Jasmine. She has no privacy and no safe haven to go to in her bedroom. She has to do her home work on my computer in the lounge, while the telly is on, and often her brother, who has complex physical and behavioural needs, distracts her. It’s no life for a young teenager and I’m really angry.’

He said Jasmine, who attends Tavistock College, wants a job in performing arts when she leaves school so being deprived of her bedroom for at least two months has stopped her practising her drama and dance in her bedroom.

He added: ‘This situation is unbearable. The stress has already affected her mental health and led to her having episodes and I’ve had to call the paramedics. It’s also affecting her school work and I’ve explained the situation to the school.

‘But LiveWest don’t seem to take it seriously and I call them every day, but they keep repeating that they can’t come for weeks.’

The temporary loss of a bedroom has also further disrupted the family’s sleeping arrangements in the three-bed house. John said: ‘I was already sleeping in the dining room because we don’t have enough bedrooms, but now I sleep in the lounge to give Lianne some space of her own.’

Liane Sheppard, director of property services for LiveWest, said a contractor attended the property two weeks ago to make the ceiling safe and temporarily stop water leaking into the house, caused by a hole in the roof.

She added: ‘We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to Mr Carpenter and his daughter. We have asked our contractor to complete the works as soon as possible. We will keep Mr Carpenter fully updated about next steps and continue to support him and his family.’