Lovely Fudge is an eleven and a half year old cocker spaniel who was previously diagnosed with a tumour in her mouth.
Initial testing at a previous practice suggested the tumour was very aggressive so, at the time, her owners decided not to proceed with surgery and allow her quality of life for the short time that was expected.
Skip forward two years and Fudge was still doing well! The tumour, however, had grown and was causing some discomfort where the opposite teeth were starting to dig in.
After a discussion about the different options for Fudge, the decision was taken by her owners for her to undergo surgery to remove the mass, along with part of her jaw. Although this sounds invasive, the team at Westmoor went for the most minimally invasive technique that would allow Fudge the best quality of life for whatever time she has remaining. Fudge was very brave and as soon as she came round from her anaesthetic was eating readily the hand rolled food on offer from our lovely nurses — it didn’t affect her appetite!