THE letter from Teresa Turner ('Just a question or three': Times June 3) brings together succinctly all the problems and concerns raised with my colleagues and me when while canvassing, we called on everyone in Monksmead, Deacons Green and Daleswood Road in April.
What should be done about it? Well, the next step might be to call a public meeting. It could have two aims; to hear first hand about future plans for the estates; and to revive the residents' association. This would be important as the best way of pursuing with the necessary determination all the issues raised in the letter and others in recent months.
The big question is: would the people of the area value such a meeting? Another point is: are there folk who are willing to do the donkey work, someone to chair meetings, a secretary, a treasurer and a keen committee? Do, please let me know.
One snag is of course the lack of a meeting place in Monksmead; a social hall is badly needed there. In its absence I regret we would have to ask everyone to come into the town centre. But I do think it would be worth it. Do you?
Incidentally, the news is not all bad; negotiations with South West Water about the bridge are complete: funds have been found to build it, and as soon as the next phase of house-building is complete this autumn, the canal will be drained so that the bridge foundations can be sunk.
Cllr R F Eberlie, Quick's Garden, St John's House, Deer Park Lane, Tavistock