The busy knitters of Whitchurch WI have created a poignant tribute to all who have given their lives while serving their country.
A public bench on Whitchurch Road has been adorned with 1,000 poppies for Remembrance Day. 1,000 poppies were knitted by members to create a beautiful artwork with the theme of this year’s eightieth anniversary of the largest ever military amphibious landing on D-Day in northern France to rescue allied troops. The bench includes a seated mannequin dressed as a WREN (female naval sailor) with poppy sculptures wit the names of the D-Day beaches where the D-Day landings took place.
The bench immediately attracted admiring looks from passing pedestrians and drivers. Designer Marion Cauldwell said: “The idea is to remember all those who gave their lives for their country and in the eightieth year of D-Day we want the bench to be a tribute to all those who died then as well.”

Whitchurch WI president Margaret Hamer said: “We think this is a fitting tribute to all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country so we can be free. The idea is to create a striking piece of artwork which attracts attention and reminds people of what so many have done for their country in all conflicts. But this also highlights the hundreds who died on D-Day.
“We’ve always had a very good reaction from locals and what’s very encouraging is that when we’ve done this before, it’s never been vandalised. I’m proud of what our members have achieved. It’s been a collective effort and looks very impressive.”
Margaret added: “Many of our members have had relatives who died in war or who are serving in the military now or in the past, so it means a lot to us all to create a respectful tribute.” She said her unclewas a Japanese prisoner of war who ‘was never the same again’ after returning home’ due to traumatic prison camp experiences.
The bench was donated by the branch and dressed for Remembrance and for last year’s King’s coronation. It has even made national headlines - featuring in the WI’s national magazine.