AFTER more than 30 years of council service, the clerk of Lifton Parish Council has retired from his post. Parish councillors bade farewell and expressed thanks to clerk Ivor Williams at a recent ceremony for his hard work over the decades, and wished him well in his move to Tavistock. Ivor started as the parish clerk after hearing about the available position in 1981. After applying for the position and being interviewed at a special council meeting, he was offered the post. He worked with the existing clerk Mrs Moth for a few months and then took over the role fully in April 1982. Mrs Blatchford was the chair when Ivor started and through his time as clerk he has seen Dr Charles Sutherland, Roy Andrews, Donald Horn, John Fragg, Mr Hutchinson, Fred Reeve, Dawn Rogers, Elizabeth Brown and Colin Warne lead the council, as well as current chairman Chris Edmonds. Cllr Edmonds said: 'Ivor has built up a mountain of knowledge about parish council rules and practices over the years, his work has been accurate, timely and diligent. 'He has guided and supported councillors and no doubt had to subdue them on occasions. 'We greatly appreciate him and his expertise and professionalism over the past 32 years and we hope he and his wife Margaret will be very happy in Tavistock.' The parish council has appointed Tamsin Hurford as the new parish clerk, who is due to start the role next week.