A Royal Marine from Yelverton has a new job – as a Beefeater at the Tower of London.

Retired Regimental Sergeant Major Barry Gray is the Tower of London’s latest recruit in the famous ceremonial role.

Barry, who is married with three children, said: “It is such a great feeling to get stuck into my new role at the Tower of London. I’ve had many adventures throughout my life in the Royal Marines and beyond, but this is a definite life highlight! I have been made to feel so welcome and look forward to being joined by my family in the coming months.”

Barry, who will be known by the title official ‘Beefeater’ title of Yeoman Warden at the Tower of London, served for 26 years in the Royal Marines, deploying on operational tours to Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

After retiring in 2016, he focused on limit-testing expeditions around the world, including skiing solo and unsupported 730 miles to the South Pole in 2018-19 in just 38 days.

Over the coming months, Barry will learn the 21 separate duties conducted by the Yeoman Warders each day, including the Ceremony of the Keys which has taken place every night at the Tower of London without fail for at least 700 years.

He will also devote much of his time to learning ‘the story’, the 8,000 word script of the famous Yeoman Warder tour before he will be permitted to lead his own tours of the Tower of London.

Applicants for the role of Yeoman Warder must have served at least 22 years in the armed forces, hold the long service and good conduct medal, and have reached the rank of Warrant Officer or equivalent, before being selected for interview.

The role originates from the band of warders who guarded the Tower of London and its prisoners from the reign of William the Conqueror in the 11th century.