The young players of Tavistock Community Football Club (TCFC) have celebrated receiving a kitchen for their community room, funded by the FA and supplied and fitted by a local supplier.

The kitchen, the first in the club house, was provided through an FA grant and is for use by the football club, visiting sides and groups and hirers of the clubhouse.

Howdens manager Phil Ruskin, said: “It’s great to see the kitchen fitted and know it will help the football teams and other users.”

Club vice chairman Allen Lewis said: “It great to see Howdens supporting this scheme. Lots in the community will enjoy the using the kitchen. A massive thanks to Howdens.”

TCFC is an FA charter standard organisation with squads aged 7-18. It supports young people’s physical and emotional development .

The youngsters of Tavistock Community FC are delighted to receive a new kitchen.
The youngsters of Tavistock Community FC are delighted to receive a new kitchen. (Tavistock Community FC )
Tavistock Community FC in their club house newly-fitted kitchen
Tavistock Community FC in their club house newly-fitted kitchen (Tavistock Community FC)