I have never been a fan of the waving of national flags. Such open nationalism and tribal allegiance smacks of separatism and a claim for racial superiority over other countries.

Working in Norway I observed many national flags in even the smallest of villages. It is a relatively new nation being founded at the beginning of the twentieth century. They are now rightly pound of their independence. However they appeared to be very placid and laid back happy to be rather separate from the rest of Europe.

Today we are seeing two very different uses of the Union Jack. At the Olympics young men and women have proudly represented Great Britain and the medal winners have draped themselves in the national flag. Pride in their achievements has been coupled with an acknowledgement of the many back home that have helped them achieve their goals.

A wonderful example of cross national admiration could be seen with the group of pole vault competitors. They came across as a band of brothers fully supportive of each other throughout the competition and even when flags were flown by the eventual medal winners. There was no individual ego on show or distain for the nationality of their fellow competitors.

In stark contrast to the Olympics has been the sight of street violence across many of our cities. This has been accompanied with the waving of the Union Jack. This misuse of our nation flag to promote hatred and racialism is a sad reflection upon our society. Far right extremists feel that by attacking the police and refugee accommodation together with the burning of cars and looting shops will further their cause. They will not achieve anything except bring misery to many innocent people. It is ironic that those engaged in this criminal activity claim to be “British” as if this is a pure racial tribe. In reality none of us can make that claim as genealogy will demonstrate that we all have mixed heritage. Many on line are quoting Enoch Powell saying “enough is enough”. One wonders what these people will do when faced with a medical emergency. There is every chance they will be faced with a medical practioner whose ethnic background is different from them. Will they suffer and maybe die or be grateful for the care provided by a “foreigner”? It is not too difficult to know the answer here.

Too many are ignorant and easily led by social media posts that spread falsehoods. This is not helped by idiots like Nigel Farage spouting his usual racist nonsense. This pompous individual gets far too much media coverage.

There is no quick fix to our flag waving rioters. They are clearly uneducated. Harsh prisons sentences will follow for many but may well make them martyrs in the eyes of their fellows. As Tony Blair said what is needed is “education, education, education.”

Perhaps the flag we should fly should be white with the dove of peace in the middle.