West Devon Primary Schools Mixed Football Tournament brought out the best in the boys and girls.

Everyone was a winner in the Year 3 and 4 (ages 7 to 9) contest at Okehampton College, but overall winners were a team from Horrabridge.

Okehampton Community Recreation Association (OCRA) staged the competition mixed football tournament with college work experience students officiating and collating results.

Horrabridge primary brought five teams, Meavy two, then there were teams from Tavistock, Mary Tavy & Brentor and St James, Okehampton.

Tavistock, Horrabridge A, C and E and Meavy B contested pool one, with Tavistock emerging as the winners.

Mary Tavy & Brentor, Meavy A, St James, Horrabridge B and D played in pool two.  Winners of this pool were Horrabridge B.

Tavistock and Horrabridge played a final game to decide the tournament winner which was Horrabridge B by 3 goals to 1.

OCRA’s holiday activities programme runs til Friday, 23 August for 6-14 ages on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Avoiding the tackles at the hard-fought West Devon Primary Schools Mixed Football Tournament.
Avoiding the tackles at the hard-fought West Devon Primary Schools Mixed Football Tournament. (OCRA)
Heading clear at West Devon Primsry Schools Mixed Football Tournament
Heading clear at West Devon Primsry Schools Mixed Football Tournament (OCRA)
Dribbling past the defenders at West Devon Primary Schools Mixed Football Tournament. JPG
Dribbling past the defenders at West Devon Primary Schools Mixed Football Tournament. JPG (OCRA)
Looking to beat the opposition at West Devon Primary Schools Mixed Football Tournament.
Looking to beat the opposition at West Devon Primary Schools Mixed Football Tournament. (OCRA)