ON Sunday, November 6, ten miles proved to be the distance of choice for the Bere Alston Trekkers.

Three BATs made the short journey to Newton Abbot to take part in the Teignbridge Trotters’ Templar 10 which is a multi terrain ten-mile course starting and finishing in the grounds of Stover School.

The course is 90% off-road and runners had the pleasure of running through the picturesque Stover Country Park as well as the fields at Teigngrace. Leading the BAT ladies home was Alison Greaves in 1 hour 38 minutes 53 seconds followed by Mel Greaves in 1.42.52 and Laura Hogan 1.44.48.

Meanwhile, Ann Woodhouse and Emma Dooney travelled north to take part in what many believe is the fastest ten Miler in Devon, the Bideford 10. The course is a moderately flat run with three small hills and is a combination of road and track taking runners along Instow seafront with its magnificent views of the Taw and Torridge estuary into Yelland and returning along a section of the renowned Tarka Trail. Emma was the first home in 1hr 25min 22secs followed by Ann in 02.10.52.