TAVISTOCK Sir Francis Drake Bowls Club held a successful annual dinner and presentation evening at Tavistock Golf Club on Saturday. Trophies were awarded by the club’s chairman, Mike Felles, to the following: Outdoor –
Timmins Triples League: Winners ‘Dream Team’ – V Stacey, E Piper, T Gobby, R Kelly and H Lovell; men’s handicap: winner G Carter, runner up D Blair; Kerswill: H Kelly, runner up D Blair; Bryan Parker: H Kelly, runner up J Gilbert; Muzzlewhite: Chris Carter, runner up Charles Carter; men’s two wood: M Clark, runner up R Gilbert; men’s championship: M Clark, runner up T Boxall; men’s pairs: C Jago and T Boxall, runners up M Allen and R Kelly.
The chairman presented the Bowls Devon Shield for the Unbadged Triples champions to Mick Clark, Tony Smith and Tony Boxall.
Short mat – mixed pairs: V Stacey and L Becker, runners up B Ellicott and M Matthews; mixed triples: A Young, B Davis and S Blackburn, runners up B Lamb, J Vogelaar, M Jones; 72s: S Blackburn, runner up L Becker; Bryan Parker: G Blackburn, runner up J Sloane; ladies’ singles: S Blackburn, runner up P Pearson; men’s singles: V Stacey, runner up A Gobby; championship: V Stacey, runner up S Blackburn.