THE Buckland Bounder took place on Saturday, June 8 with 137 runners representing various running clubs as part of the South West fell running Dartmoor series.

Michal Lesniak was the overall winner in 00:40:00, 21 seconds ahead of James Oke and 49 ahead of Anthony Hatchard.

Charlotte Walke meanwhile led the way as first female, finishing in a time of 00:44:39. Jo Meek and Suzanne Spooner closed out the podium at 00:44:39 and 00:51:55 respectively.

Jo Coldron and Tom Minty were the fastest local female and male runners so they collected the Drake Manor Shield for their achievement.

Other prize category winners were Henry Howell, Travis Trice, Graham Bale, Pete Merrick, David Connell, Emily Young and Carol.

All finishers received a pint of Jail Ale from Dartmoor Brewery and a running vest sponsored by Hindhead Property. The organisers wish to thank them, all other companies involved and also the marshals and first aiders who freely gave up their time.