THE annual President’s Day was recently held at Okehampton Golf Club on Saturday August 10.

Four-ball better-ball was the format and it was Will Searle & Redd Cann that topped Division One with 44 points. In second place on 42 points were Malcolm Hill & Pete Okopski ahead of third-placed Alan Hawking & Fred Cooke and fourth-placed Bryan Evans & Matt Parry on countback.

Steve Browne and Brian May won Division Two thanks to a score of 45 points, edging out David Haines-Lawson & Trevor Chapman via countback. Next came Gary & Finn Carey on 44pts and John Haley & Ade Hick with 42pts.

The ladies’ section entered their monthly medal competition and the winner of Division One was Marcia Collett with a Nett 71.

Penny Deakin was second with a Nett 73 and Sue Williams was third with a Nett 74. Division Two meanwhile, was won by Judith Ezard (Nett 72) ahead of Clare Salter (Nett 77).