FOR many years Tavistock Athletic Club had organised relay races as part of the Carnival festivities. The races are held annually on the Thursday of Carnival Week in the Meadows, with race profits going to Tavistock Lions' good causes

Unfortunately junior team entries were down this year but there were a record 79 teams running in the senior men's relay and a record 68 runners in the fun run.

The course is a 1.1mile flattish loop starting and finishing close to the green cafe. Runners follow the river path, go over Westbridge and then back into the park and all the way to Abbey Bridge following St John's Avenue, then over the bridge and left into the park for a flat fast 400m back to the cafe.

In the junior races it was the older school year 11/12 boys from City of Plymouth who dominated from start to finish, taking just 22 minutes for the team of four to complete the 4.4 mile race. Tavistock RFC 'Tigers' was next home in 25 minutes 59 seconds. The third team home was Tavy AC youngsters (year 5/6) with Evan Orm, Dan Mercer, Joe Dix and Dan Luckham all having superb runs to complete the course in a 26.53, excellent for the age.

Winning in the junior girls' section was another Tavy AC team (year 7/8) consisting of Tilly McDowell, Tayla James, Lucy Stevens and Charlotte Hicks with the time of 27.37.

The seniors' race had a real buzz about it, with East Cornwall Harriers, Plymouth Harriers, City of Plymouth, Tamar Trotters and Okehampton Running club all fielding strong teams.

There was a great atmosphere with so many teams jockeying for position in the changeover area.

On the first leg there was a real scrap between Tavistock's Sam Lane De Courtin and East Cornwall Harriers' Dan Nash with the former pipping Nash on the handover line (both given the time of 4mins 50secs for the 1.1miles). City of Plymouth came back into the reckoning on the second leg and from then on there were just two teams in the battle with East Cornwall hanging on by just 3 seconds (20.48) from City of Plymouth. Plymouth Harriers took the bronze position a further 43 seconds down on their city rivals.

In the ladies' race it came down to just two teams battling out – Tavistock and Plymouth Harriers, with the more experienced Harriers taking the win by just 24 seconds. The inexperienced, young Tavistock seniors can take heart from beating the ladies' teams of the calibre of East Cornwall Harriers and City of Plymouth.

Race director Martin Exley-Deane said he was delighted with the evening's racing 'although the relay changeover was precarious with so many teams, everyone had fun, local rivalries were settled and everyone went home with a smile on their face'.

Race sponsor Robert Oxborough of PCC Office Supplies added: 'We're hoping that tonight's races will raise a substantial amount for Tavistock Lions' good causes, raise the profile of running in the area and inspire more people to have a go. I was delighted to see the teams from the swimming club and rugby club as well as local businesses – and I thank them for their support of this fun and worthy event.'

Category winners: Senior men, East Cornwall Harriers; senior women, Plymouth Harriers. Veteran men, City of Plymouth; veteran women, East Cornwall Harriers. Corporate, Team Steady (Sean Cann Plastering); sports team, Tavistock Swimming Club; juniors, male (year 11/12) City of Plymouth, male (year 5/6) Tavistock; juniors, girls (year 11/12) Tavistock Swimming Club); girls (year 7/8 ), Tavistock Athletic Club; girls (year 5/6) East Cornwall Harriers.