IT IS the perfect time to think about New Year’s resolutions, and what better than one which could change your life. Tavistock Athletic Club has been running ‘Couch to 5k’ courses for years.

These aim to take non-runners or lapsed runners to running 5km after three months, but the hope is that participants will feel inspired to continue their running journey afterwards.

TAC provides a safe and gentle build up during the course, whilst offering a friendly, supportive and inclusive environment, for all adult (16+) beginners. Four such courses were held in 2024, supported by coaches and run leaders certified by England Athletics, with a total of 47 runners 'graduating' at the end of these courses.

There's a real sense of achievement both for the runners and the coaches when the medals are handed out at the end of the course (picture).

Recent graduate Andrew Kelly commented: “If they can get a mid-sixties, four-stone overweight, ex-smoker running regularly, they can get you running. A year ago, I struggled to run 100m, but now I run 4-6 miles three times a week!” And graduate Janet Eadie said: "I highly recommend this course. All levels are catered for, excellent organisation, so friendly and encouraging".

The next 11-week C25K course starts on Saturday, January 4. Spaces are available but early registration is recommended. Details and registration form can be found on the TAC website - - look for the ‘Get Into Running’ link. Cost is just £15, refundable if you subsequently join the Club.