Tavistock Athletic Club hosted the 4 x 1.1 mile relay event at the riverside setting in the Meadows last Thursday in glorious sunshine and perfect race conditions.

As one of the events in the Lions Club Carnival Week this year's event, which was sponsored by Abbey Garden Sales, broke new ground with a record number of senior teams and a 'profit' of more than £1,200 for the Lion's charity fund.

 The event started with the Fun Run which saw the youngest of the assembled runners tackle one lap of the course. That was followed by the junior races with 22 teams racing in eight different categories. Winners overall and in the boys' Year 11/12 category were the team from Tavistock AC made up of Sam Lane De Courtin, Pete Jarman, James Anderson and James Best, who posted an excellent time of 21minutes 49 seconds.

In the Year 9/10 category Will Dax, Harry Herdman, George Hillson and Josh Blake of Tavistock AC came third overall in the race and took first place in their age group. The Tavistock girls in this age group - Tess Masselink, Yasmin Steven, Megan Groom and Jenny Sabine - won in this category and finishing in fourth place overall.

In the Year 7/8 age category it was yet another Tavistock AC team who took the top prize with George Bumford, Jake Walker, Toby Higgs and Harry Edwards beating off their competition. But the perfect Tavistock scorecard was interrupted by one of eight teams who travelled up from St Petrocs School in Bodmin with their Year 7/8 girls — Danielle Rawson, Chloe Booth, Olivia Carthew and Clare Tapsell — taking victory.

In the Year 5/6 age group East Cornwall Harriers team came in first with Edward Gravenor, James Walker, Byron Patrick and Harry Gravenor leading the boys home. Just ahead of them though were the Year 5/6 girls winning team with Jenny Milburn, Olivia Kinnear, Sarah Bull and Olivia Bull for Tavistock AC with a fine run, finishing fifth overall.

In the final race a record 60 teams took part in the senior relays with 11 teams representing Bere Alston Trekkers and large contingents from the Plymouth clubs, Okehampton, Launceston, Bude, East Cornwall and St Petrocs.

Winners in the senior men category and victorious overall was the team from East Cornwall Harriers. Lewis Pullen, Josh Carnell, Steve Sims and Dan Nash, who won an exciting race in a time of 20m 35s. Ami Yetton, Jane Allinson, Nicky Putman and Heidi Tresager from Plymouth Harriers took the honours in the senior women category.

In the veterans' category it was the team from Okehampton Running Club who stole the show. Andrew Vernon, Adrian Vernon, Roger Voaden and Paul Carter comfortably won this race finishing sixth overall. East Cornwall Harriers Vet Ladies took the glory winning their race with Lucy Thomas, Louise Littlewood, Sharon Daw and Revis Crowle completing a fine evening for the Cornish club.

Race director Allan Herdman, said: 'This event has been a huge success with a fantastic, record amount of £1,200 going to the Lions Charity Fund and a wonderful atmosphere which I think has been thoroughly enjoyed by all.'

He thanked all the volunteers who helped to stage the event, the staff from Meadow-lands, Tavistock Lions and Steve Johns at Abbey Garden Sales for their wonderful support.