HAVING visited five agricultural shows in the area over the summer, I can vouch for the fighting spirit of local farmers.
Agriculture has seen a great many setbacks recently, but it would be a mistake to talk it down too much. Our local farmers are tenacious and resourceful. They deserve to flourish.
It is becoming increasingly apparent, however, that farmers are being exploited by the supermarkets. The Liberal Democrats have recently unearthed figures which show that over the past fifteen years, supermarket profits have risen by 300% and the pay of supermarket directors has increased by 557%, while farmers? incomes have gone up by a paltry 29%.
There is nothing wrong with rewarding success, but the supermarkets have too much power to dictate market conditions for British farmers. It is time that the supermarket code of practice was strengthened to give farmers a better deal. At the same time, the Office of Fair Trading should start getting tough.Farming may not employ that many people any more, but it is the cornerstone of the character of areas like this. Farmers must be given a fair chance to earn a living.
David Walter
Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
West Devon and Torridge