ENIGMATIC, mysterious and sub textural, songwriter Leonard Cohen was an unflinching character, with an exact sense of prose, a wry humour and courage to wrestle with the unspoken, forgiving human frailty with the stroke of each line. 

The chilling announcement of Leonard’s passing marked the end of an era and his music befriended an entire generation.

Within every line of his writing, he challenged us to listen more carefully, speak more thoughtfully, think more deeply and recognise our own fragility.

With a lifetime reputation of performing in this exact way and an undying love of the ‘pure song’ Keith James gives a concert of Cohen’s amazing material in the most intimate and sensitive way imaginable, exposing the solitary inner strength of his greatest songs in their original perfect form.

Keith has performed an extensive tour of this concert The Songs of Leonard Cohen in theatres and arts centres across the UK, giving almost 400 concerts to over 100,000 people.

He will be bringing this show to the Wharf on Sunday, May 6.