A resident has sought assurance that a well used car park in Tavistock will allow access for church goers and squash players ,among others, when roadworks begin on Wednesday (March 20).
Both ends of Pixon Lane (Whitchurch Road and Plymouth Road) are due to be closed for five days from Wednesday for resurfacing work.
Paul Mercer wrote to Devon County Council Highways asking that access to the car park be allowed after 7pm to allow all the users of clubs and groups who have meetings in the buildings at the top of the car park at various times during the week.
He received the following reply: “We understand that the car park is used in the evenings and indeed there are also some other businesses who may need access.
“Having spoken to the contractor, they advise to access from Whitchurch Road direction in the early days of the scheme, but as work progresses, this may change and access will be possible from the A386.
“Depending on the works (milling out and then replacing the road surface) access may be denied for you, your vehicle and the workmen’s safety, but they will try to keep access available as much as possible.
“At the moment, we can’t say when those times will be, as a lot depends on works and the weather as they may wish to move around the whole site to utilise the time most effectively.”